Our vision is for a Ukraine that is flourishing, with happy, fulfilled people, who are not broken or damaged by the current war.

In order to achieve this, we need to raise awareness of good mental health practices, and teach key skills to the different groups of people in Ukraine, so that achieving good mental health is both practical and possible.

Our work, goal by goal

Restart Foundation has 3 key goals, and we work to develop and fulfil all of them.

1:  Helping people live happy and prosperous lives through providing mental health and wellbeing services

We are building a wide network of mental health and wellbeing services, which will target both specific groups such as kindergartens, schools, veterans, families of military, the elderly and more; and also the general public who may be in need of support. 

Our services will include, but not be limited to, psychological support, counselling, wellbeing practices and physiotherapy.

2:  Raising awareness of how all people can live fulfilled lives with good mental health, via media campaigns, website information and lectures

A key part of ensuring a nation has good mental health, is providing access to information about how to achieve and maintain good mental health, as well as how to identify any issues people might be experiencing. Our first task is to transform our charity website into a hub for mental health information and practices, including articles, videos and information by topic. Following this will be media campaigns promoting good mental health practices; series of lectures; publications. 

3: Support & training of mental health professionals to ensure there are enough professionals working in Ukraine and that they are properly supported

Ukraine requires its professional mental health workers to step into a crucial role of ensuring the country has a bright future. At Restart Foundation, we want to make sure that these professionals are supported in this critical role and that they have enough rest, balance, training and professional development to be able to sustain long careers in this area. We plan to establish Restart Foundation as a hub of support, information and training for mental health workers.