Restart Foundation was founded in 2023 with the vision of bringing good mental health and wellbeing to Ukraine.

The tragic invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 and the on-going war created a great need for mental, emotional and physical support services in the country. 

From children in kindergartens, their parents and teachers, to veterans fresh from the front-lines, to ordinary civilians, there are few who are not in need of professional support, whether this is one-to-one work with a psychologist, a counselling group or a program of physiotherapy. For some, it is all of them.

For the population of 43 million Ukrainians, the experience of a brutal invasion of their country, followed by months of shelling and uncertainty, loss of stability, income and wellbeing, has left millions without the skills to cope with this new reality.

At Restart Foundation, we are looking to the positive future of Ukraine, and that starts with good mental health.

To fulfil our vision, we have 3 goals we work towards:

1:  Helping people live happy and prosperous lives through providing mental health and wellbeing services.

2:  Raising awareness of how all people can live fulfilled lives with good mental health, via media campaigns, website information & lectures.

3: Support & training of mental health professionals to ensure there are enough professionals working in Ukraine and that they are properly supported.